Saturday, August 27, 2011


Nothing like a good Tull CD, a book on Steve Jobs, laptop on the lap...tracing data on companies on the net. Repetetive and mundane tasks tend to get easy with all these add ons :)
This is awesome weather to be here or to go on short week end outings around Bombay... Lovin it!

World Music

I have no idea why seasoned stage performers especially belonging to the South Indian "factory" of prodigies refuse to learn proper English, practice the introduction or better still have a professional compere take over the role...

A sweet repetoire of music got a little on my nerves thanks to the bad presentation by the main guy. The Brazilian pianist and Fazal were both amazing and looked like 2 shiny diamonds set with some okie doke stones...I guess a genetic quirk gives all the three brothers a naughty but obvious intelligence that is very endearing. A morning after a good music concert always feels good but in this weather it feels like a blessing.

An evening with a sweet friend who tries hard to scare me with her negativity but at the same time pushes me to be positive about my stupid issues is just so beautiful as well.

Thank you.