Saturday, March 18, 2006

Music as celebration...

Music as celebration is the key here: brightly coloured by elements of improvisation, this material echoes the many diverse and sometimes conflicting spiritual yearnings, which might trouble the itinerant middle-aged musician on his continuing journey across the world stages.

Apparently, it was also quite fun to play.

- Ali Aziz, The Mesopotamia Sun – Times, 1995

Yesterday evening I was home early and felt like some lovely Tull to start the weekend.
I read this on a CD cover. Every piece of music over the years by Jethro Tull or Andersen has been one great celebration of music.

Ian Anderson plays the flute beautifully and is the Commanding General on the stage for Jethro Tull music. I read once that he does not like blog reviews and I will certainly not do that here but I liked this bit of Journalism about him and wanted to “own” it.

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