Sunday, May 17, 2009

Brand New Altis!

My brother's performance incentive for last year is a car! His company gave him a Toyota Altis after discussions and debate for over 45 days on which car it shall be. We checked out the entire range and finally decided to move away from diesel to petrol so we could get a good car. I was set on the VW Jetta but that is a very expensive car for no reason but the fact that it is European. Some day...
I have been driving a Indigo Diesel for the last 5 years and changing over to the Altis this morning was fun. Man! The car is smooth or what?
I had a lovely drive on Sunday morning to a temple about 10 kms away with my parents while my brother who got the car was in Bangalore with friends and relatives. Hee! Hee! Someone once told me, "when the cat is out, the mice shall play! :)
I enjoyed being the mouse this time.

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